Lecture: Internet Technology (Internettechnik)
WS 2007/2008
Wahlmodul Internettechnik

LVA-Nr. 703504, 3h, Michael Welzl
Check the
course catalogue for full details!



Tuesday, 8:15-10:45 HS 10 - official dates in the course catalogue, starting date: 2. October 2007.

Test: Tuesday, 22. January 2008, 8:00-11:00 HS G (date of last lecture). You may bring two hand written A4 pages of supplementary material to the test; calculators, PDAs, laptops etc. are not allowed.

2nd Test: Tuesday, 11. March 2008, 16:00-18:00 HS G. You may bring two hand written A4 pages of supplementary material to the test; calculators, PDAs, laptops etc. are not allowed.


The lecture is a logical continuation of the bachelor lecture "Computernetzwerke" with a focus on Internet technology.
It builds upon the DPS stream lecture "Advanced Internet Technology" from the previous Curriculum, with some additional content (so in fact it's more advanced :-) ).

IMPORTANT NOTE: the test will be split in an "old part" (same content as the "Advanced Internet Technology" course in the old curriculum, chapters 1-5 below) and a "new part" (chapter 6 below). If you participate in the test but only need the credits for the old course (which was available in the old curriculum), you only need to fill the "old part". If you passed the "Advanced Internet Technology" test in the past, you can participate in the test and only do the "new part"; on the first page of the test, indicate in which semester you took the previous test - your mark will then be the result of calculating your old 2/3 * old mark + 1/3 * new mark (and I intend to take a closer look at the old test again in borderline cases).



Recommended literature:

Last update: 31. March 2008
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